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Protected: Photo Montage

In 2004 I felt at a crossroads with my photography. Having spent five years developing a signiture style that brought me a measure of success the question for me became “now what?” Being challenged has always been a strong motivating factor in my work, and life.

In September of 2004, while participating in a workshop, I picked up a book on collage art. Over that week whenever I had a break I returned to the same book. It was an inspiration, over the next three month, when time allowed I experimented with different approaches but nothing really took.

While doing photo paper tests in February 2005, the seed for what I now call “photo montage” took hold. “Leonard” was my first completed piece. Over the next three years I continued to refine my process. While transitioning to digital I put the work aside.

My desire was to find a way to present classic themes, portraiture and nudes from a fresh and unique perspective. This collection represents five years of pursuing that goal. This journey has changed the way I view my photography and my future as an artist.


*Some of these pieces will have sepia tone and some will not.




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Dale Pierce
- Photography -

509 West Fayette St. Studio #243
Syracuse, NY 13204